How to prepare your child for nursery


As parents, we understand that the journey of preparing your child for their first day of nursery is a significant milestone for both children and parents. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips to help you and your child navigate this exciting adventure, ensuring a smooth and confident start to nursery life.


Open Conversations: Start by having open and positive conversations with your child about nursery. Explain what to expect, the fun activities they'll engage in, and the friends they'll make. Reassure them that nursery is a safe and exciting place.

  • Visit the Nursery Together: If possible, arrange visits to the nursery together before their first day. This allows your child to become familiar with the surroundings, meet educators, and interact with other children. It can help ease any anxiety.

  • Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that mirrors the nursery schedule. This helps your child become accustomed to the structure and routine of their new environment, making the transition smoother.

  • Independence Building: Encourage independence by letting your child do simple tasks like dressing themselves or using the toilet. These skills will boost their confidence at nursery.

  • Familiar Faces: If your child is starting nursery with a friend or family member, it can be comforting. They can navigate this new experience together and provide each other with emotional support.

  • Label Personal Items: Label your child's belongings with their name. This simple step can help them identify their things and gain a sense of ownership.

  • Share a Comfort Object: If your child has a comfort object, whether it's a stuffed animal or a blanket, allow them to bring it to nursery. Having something familiar can provide comfort during moments of separation.

  • Listen to Their Concerns: Be a supportive listener. Let your child express any worries or fears they may have about starting nursery. Reassure them and offer solutions.

  • Positive Goodbyes: When it's time to leave your child at nursery, say goodbye with a smile and reassuring words. Be brief and confident in your departure. Most children adapt quickly once their parents leave.

  • Celebrate Small Achievements: Praise your child for their bravery and achievements at nursery. Celebrate small milestones, whether it's making a new friend, learning something new, or showing independence.

Preparing your child for their nursery adventure is an exciting journey. By following these tips and creating a supportive and positive environment, you can help your child embrace their nursery experience with confidence and enthusiasm. At Park Nursery, we're here to join you on this journey, providing the care and guidance needed for a successful start to nursery life.


Child Led Learning.


Nurturing Confidence from the Start: The Park Neighbourhood Nursery Approach